5 resolutions you can actually keep

calendar 11.01.19
5 resolutions you can actually keep
5 resolutions you can actually keep

Goede voornemens



Less sugar, more workouts, more reading, digital detoxing, quitting smoking.... 

They're all resolutions we start enthusiastically in the new year, but - according to statistics – 90% of them ends up in the trash as early as the second half of January. The main reason is that we have no plan. Ideally, a good plan needs to have a physical, mental and emotional component in order to succeed. Get moving however you can! Why do you want something? What is your alternative for replacing the old habit? Are you really doing this for yourself? And willpower works like a muscle: if you're constantly tightening it, you're guaranteed to get exhausted at some point, and.... you still give up. That means you have to really want it! Make sure to give yourself kindness, understanding and humour when you're starting out. And allow yourself TIME. 

Here are some tips to make it easier to maintain 5 resolutions

(Discover another clever, effective trick at the bottom that will help you to keep going.)*




1. Slim down the healthy way without dieting



Healthy weight loss is mainly about changing your mindset and lifestyle. Healthy living is not a punishment, it's something you can enjoy! Develop a passion for healthy eating and living. Eating less will cause that nagging hungry feeling. So let's eat more... of the right food: pure, organic ingredients, fewer carbohydrates and more good fat. And ... combine this with plenty of movement. That's not necessary in the gym: go outside! Walk, make a habit of breathing in the fresh forest and sea air, hop on your bike, make love, relax and enjoy.




2. More fun, less stress



You can only waste time if you forget to enjoy it. Uncomplicated FUN gives you a natural energy boost and increases the production of tryptophan! That's a substance that will help you sleep better and make you feel happier. Tryptophan is found in oats, bananas, plums, chocolate, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almonds and lentils. Being kind to yourself, listening to your body and having the courage to set boundaries is the best de-stresser!



3. Sleep better, wake up refreshed


It may sound contradictory, but when we sleep, a lot of activity is happening in our bodies. Our brain waves and our heart rhythm slow down, our muscle tension, breathing and body temperature decrease and our blood pressure drops. And we also produce growth hormone during deep sleep.

Through all these processes, it's not just our bodies that get restored, but also our minds. Sleeping is good for (long-term) memory, for filtering information and for integrating knowledge into our brains. The latter is the primary function of dreams, along with processing emotions and daily stimuli. After enough sleep, you'll get up with a clear head and ENERGY to start the day focused!



4. One less glass of wine less, one more glass of water 


Alcohol is not an indispensable part of life, even though many of us see it that way because of societal conditioning. Alcohol as a social lubricant. But regular alcohol consumption makes your liver and heart anything but happy. Alcohol can also lead to obesity, because it usually contains a lot of calories. So it's better to drink more water. Drinking a lot of water also burns more fat. That's because fat cells contain toxins, which are released when you lose weight. If you drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water every day, these toxins leave your body much faster. So water keeps your skin healthy and acts as an internal shower for your body. But if you want to spoil yourself with a glass of bubbly, choose an organic, high-quality wine.


5. Natural look, internal beauty


A fresh look is always attractive. A face is normally at its best when it's as smooth and clear as possible. That has a lot to do with healthy food, a positive mindset and a balanced lifestyle. Hence the statement: real beauty comes from within. Also, be kind to your skin. Protect your face from excessive sunlight every day.





*Make a daily countermove

Another effective and simple trick that you can use any time you find yourself struggling: make a countermove. What does that mean? For example, bring your right elbow to your left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee. Or cross your left leg over the right and then your right arm over your left arm. As long as the movements are opposite, it helps. And then repeat that movement a few times. By making these movements, you force both hemispheres of your brain to work together. You create a kind of short circuit in your brain, opening up space for something new.