Why burning candles is still good

calendar 8/26/20
Why burning candles is still good
Why burning candles is still good

enkele kaarsen op een tafel

Is it still ok to burn candles? Because today, candles are usually made of paraffin, a by-product of petroleum. Research has shown that harmful substances are released when burning paraffin candles. Not good for yourself and for the environment. But candles are so cosy?!  Rest assured; with eco candles it is fine to burn a candle. Below you will find 4 important reasons why you should keep burning candles!

1. Candles as lighting

Vrouw in Middeleeuwse klederdracht bij kandelaar met kaarsen

For centuries, candles have provided lighting in dark times. Houses were lit at night and travellers used them as street lights. It hardly occurs anymore, but if the electricity fails, you are certainly happy to have some candles in the house.

Egyptians and Romans initially used animal fat to make candles. In the Middle Ages they discovered that beeswax was a better alternative. It burned up cleaner and without black smoke or soot. Beeswax was expensive and candles were often a privilege for the nobility or the rich churches.

2. Burning a candle as emotional support

Moeder en kind zetten een brandend kaarsje bij hoop kaarsen

The burning of a candle also brings light figuratively. You probably already ritually lit a candle with the photo of a deceased loved one or to offer support during exams or a difficult period. This is because light symbolises the connection between heaven and earth.

Candlelight radiates light and warmth. Burn a candle and you send out warm, good vibes; a powerful symbol that is within everyone's reach. All you need is a candle and something to light them with.

3. Natural cosiness and romance with candles

Man en vrouw houden handen vast bij diner bij kaarslicht

Fire and flames intrigue us. Watching a dancing flame can be hypnotic. Very handy for that candle light dinner. In addition, candlelight provides a natural, warm and cosy light. Light some candles and the atmosphere is set immediately. Everyone becomes more relaxed and at ease.

Burning candles also has something magical about it. The dancing flames bring peace and a certain mystique. That's why we can't imagine not burning candles at all anymore.

4. Aromatherapy with scented candles 

kaars in zilveren houder bij bad met rozenblaadjes

Good scented candles are made with perfumes of essential oils. By burning the candle you help the room in a refreshing or uplifting scent and you can influence the mood in the house.

- Eucalyptus and peppermint help you breathe more freely.
- Rosemary is useful when you need to concentrate.
- Orange blossom and grapefruit are cheerful fragrances that make tensions disappear.
- Rose geranium creates a warm, loving atmosphere that can also bring comfort.

Which scented candles to choose?

What are the best scented candles for at home? Invest in vegan or eco candles made from 100% natural ingredients. Eco candles are often made from soy wax and/or beeswax. No harmful substances are released when burning these candles.

Beeswax is a sustainable natural product and a renewable raw material. Bees use it to make their famous combs, with cells and chambers in which they store their pollen and honey. These cells are also used to lay eggs. In order to keep a bee population healthy, it is important that the beekeeper regularly replaces this beeswax comb.
It is an intensive process to obtain beeswax. This makes beeswax candles more expensive than standard factory candles. Candle makers often combine different types of wax to create a more affordable candle that is still 100% natural.

The benefits of beeswax and soy wax candles

- Beeswax and soya wax are natural substances that are harvested or produced in an ecological way. 
- They are less likely to become hot when burnt up than paraffin. As a result, these candles have a longer burning time than ordinary candles.
- When burning a beeswax candle, negative ions are released that purify the air.
- In addition, the flame of a natural beeswax candle is calmer and more pleasant to look at.
- Almost no soot is released when burning organic candles.
- The natural scents of essential oils dissolve well in soy and beeswax, allowing you to enjoy pure perfumes.

In short, take a look at our range of vegan or eco candles and choose your favourite scent. Combine different scents and types to create a colourful collection.