What is MCT oil and why is it good for you?

calendar 2/25/21
What is MCT oil and why is it good for you?
What is MCT oil and why is it good for you?

half a coconut with a bottle of liquid coconut oil on a tray

Have you already heard about MCT oil? If you follow a ketogenic diet or are a professional athlete, you probably have. MCT oil is becoming increasingly popular because, among other things, it provides instant energy and is good for the brain. We explain what it is and why it is so interesting.

MCT oil is liquid coconut oil and a healthy fat

MCT oil is a source of medium chain fatty acids (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Fats are often described as saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. You can also categorise them as short, medium and long fatty acid chains. The length of the chain is determined by the number of atoms. Short fatty acid chains are made up of a maximum of 5 atoms, medium fatty acid chains of 6 to 12 atoms and long fatty acid chains of more than 12 atoms.

The shorter the chain, the smaller the molecules. The smaller the molecules, the faster our cells can convert the fat into energy. MCT oil, with its 6 to 12 atoms, is consequently a fast supplier of energy.

>> Short fatty acid chains are only made by the body. They are not found in food.
>> Medium chain fatty acids are more difficult to find in a standard diet. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil are MCT-rich oils and have an MCT content of about 50 to 60 per cent.
>> Long chain fatty acids can be found in almost all fats that we normally eat, such as meat, fish, nuts, etc. The energy it provides is not released until 6 to 8 hours after you eat it.

Coconut oil contains various MCTs, namely caproic acid (C6), caprylic acid (C8), capric acid (C10) and lauric acid (C12) for the most part. MCT oil is that part of coconut oil which remains liquid even at room temperatures. This makes it easier to use and to incorporate into your diet.

What MCT oil does

a woman running

MCT oil is coconut oil and this is often mistakenly seen as being unhealthy because it is a saturated fat. But our bodies react differently to coconut oil and process this fat in a different way than other saturated fats. It contains easily-digestible fatty acids that can be quickly transported to the liver where they are converted into ketones. This is why MCT oil is a fast supplier of energy. It also provides the brain with instant energy, allowing you to concentrate better and for longer.

MCT oil is also used as a healthy fat source in a ketogenic diet. MCTs and ketones help the body to stay in the fat-burning ketogenic zone for longer. This regulates blood sugar levels and helps to lose weight. The keto diet is based on eating a lot of fat, a little bit of protein and as few carbohydrates as possible.

Scientific studies have shown that the use of MCT oil has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Moreover, it has a demonstrable benefit on the brain and promising studies are underway into the use of MCT oil in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

MCT oil - good for sporters, as part of a keto diet and for people with a busy life

MCT oil has earned a permanent place in the sports world because it supplies energy quickly and less lactic acid builds up in the muscles when it is ingested. Sportspeople experience that they can maintain their efforts easier and longer when using MCT oil.

seitan burger with avocado as a sandwich

Anyone who follows a keto diet, eats paleo or does intermittent fasting will also benefit from using MCT oil. In these cases, it is mainly about the satiated feeling that MCT oil produces. Apart from that, the body’s ability to process MCT oil quickly without using these fats as fat storage is a major bonus.

MCT oil has so many benefits as a natural energiser and food for the brain that we can confidently state that it is interesting for anyone who leads a busy life and could use a boost to their concentration levels.

How do you take MCT oil?

Good MCT oil is practically odourless and tasteless. You can take it as is, but it's just as easy to add a teaspoon to your smoothie, stir it into your yoghurt or use it to make bulletproof coffee. This is a fashionable trend where ghee (clarified butter) and MCT oil are mixed with coffee.

Bulletproof coffee provides long-lasting energy through its fats, reduces hunger during intermittent fasting and boosts concentration levels. Sounds like the ideal recipe for your morning coffee break.

You can also use MCT oil in a vinaigrette or salad dressing.

Gradually build up your intake of MCT oil. Start with 1 teaspoon per day up to a maximum of 6 teaspoons per day. There is not much sense in taking more MCT oil.

MCT oil as skincare

MCT oil does not immediately spring to mind when you think of skincare, but it is a real boon to your skin. It is coconut oil, after all. Use MCT oil on your skin because of its soothing, non-clogging and antimicrobial properties.

> MCTs help moisturise your skin. Rub it on eczema areas. MCTs from coconut oil help to prevent and heal dry skin and flaky, itchy rashes.
> MCT oil kills 'propion bacteria' that cause inflammatory acne.
> MCT oil is ideal to gently remove make-up from your face.

Why should you buy organic MCT oil?

If you want to enjoy all the benefits of MCT oil, then pay attention to the quality of the oil you buy. Choose an MCT oil that is made exclusively from coconut oil. The best one is an MCT oil that combines caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10) MCTs. These 2 fatty acids complement and even enhance each other. C8 & C10 gives you duo power!