Important ‘Why Questions’ Answered.

calendar 18/05/17
Important ‘Why Questions’ Answered.
Important ‘Why Questions’ Answered.

Why are French fries baked with coconut oil better for you? Why should you choose matcha over coffee? Why is it so important to eat enough fibres?  The Amanprana ‘Why Questions’. And Their Answers

Why is coconut blossom sugar healthier than white sugar?

In contrast to white (granulated) sugar, coconut blossom sugar still contains the naturally present vitamins, minerals and trace elements: it is not an ‘empty’ sugar that drains minerals and vitamins from the body while converting to energy; it gives your body something in return. And it is precisely for this reason, despite the high sucrose content, that coconut blossom sugar has little effect on your blood sugar level. You won’t get sugar highs or lows from coconut blossom sugar.
Coconut blossom sugar, moreover, has been named as the most sustainable sugar by the World Health Organization (WHO), because its production requires very little water.

Why should you choose matcha over coffee?

There is only 25mg caffeine in a cup of matcha, one fourth of the amount found in a cup of coffee. And this you notice immediately. After drinking a cup of coffee you feel rushed and agitated. What causes the difference? The caffeine in matcha is buffered by several substances in the tea that specifically make sure that caffeine is released slowly into your system. The caffeine molecules bind themselves to the larger and more stable molecules of the catechines (a type of polyphenol) in the matcha. Thus matcha ‘releases’ coffee during a period of 3 to 6 hours! The slow release, therefore, ensures that your blood sugar levels don’t peak or dip excessively. Matcha, in addition, contains the amino acid L-Theanine, which has a calming effect and slows down the effects of caffeine.
A cup of coffee will make your blood sugar levels peak. You may become more nervous and agitated because the caffeine is released immediately and all at once into your bloodstream.

Why is an oil-based make-up remover more effective than a cream-based one?

Oil will dissolve impurities without any problem and ensures that the natural oil of your skin does not become unbalanced. As a result the skin will stay glowingly healthy and, not unimportantly, its barrier function is not compromised. We forget quite easily that the skin is the first to keep out pathogens. The skin can only properly block these pathogens when it’s healthy.
Traditional creams are made with water or alcohol as a base, and this dehydrates the skin. When swimming, showering or doing the dishes often, you will start to notice this very quickly. Oil, on the other hand, helps the skin retain water and therefore prevents dehydration and infections.

Why are French fries baked with coconut oil better for you?

When an oil is heated and starts to smoke, this means that toxins are being released from the oil. And when this heated oil then comes into contact with foods containing starch, the substance acrylamide is formed. For most vegetable oils this happens at temperatures as low as 120°C. Extra virgin coconut oil, however, has a much higher ‘smoke point’ and is therefore much more suitable for higher temperatures. Its smoke point lies around 180°C. (Deodorized coconut oil, such as Kokovita has a smoke point of 230°C.)
In short, frying or baking French fries in coconut oil at 175°C contains much less toxins.

Why is it so important to eat enough fibres?

Fibres are an unmissable part of your diet because of two reasons. First, they are food for the healthy bacteria in your intestinal flora. This way the pathogens will stay a minority and won’t even stand a chance. Second, they stimulate your intestines causing waste materials to leave the body quicker. Healthy bowel movements are extremely necessary for a healthy body, because waste substances that stay in your body for too long can cause fungi and viruses, and in turn cause chronic illnesses.

Why should you use mouth oil instead of mouth wash?

Mouth oil cleanses without damaging. In addition, the oil adds a natural protective layer onto your teeth, making it harder for plaque to form.

Mouth wash often contains ingredients that can be harmful and could make plaque formation worse. Because these ingredients are coarse for your entire mouth flora, not only caries-causing bacteria should dig down, but also the good bacteria. And the good bacteria are indispensable because they are the first step to good digestion. And the fresh breath? This is just short-term with mouth wash. Alcohol actually removes the moisture in your mouth, which can lead to bad breath. Waking up with an unpleasant smelling breath has the same cause; during sleep the mouth becomes dryer because there is less salivation.

Why are vegetable essential fatty acids better than fish oil capsules?

Fish oil is composed from EPA and DHA, which is derived from omega 3 (ALA) and omega 6 (LA). EPA and DHA are not essential fatty acids. Our body can make EPA and DHA itself using ALA and LA. ALA (alfa-linoleic acid) and LA (linoleic acid) are essential fatty acids. Your body cannot make these on its own. You have to absorb ALA and LA every day through your nutrition, because your body needs ALA and LA. They are essential to your health.

In vegetable form ALA and LA are more holistic and better absorbable. Fish oil capsules are isolates. Moreover, the fish oil capsules are never organic and never 100% active. There will always be the capsules – consisting of glycerine, which does not benefit your body. It a waste material for your body. Vegetable essential fatty acids are completely absorbable. And your body decides itself what it needs and whether or not EPA or DHA needs to be made.


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