Exam Stress? Turn Your Stress Into Energy

calendar 31/10/2017
Exam Stress? Turn Your Stress Into Energy
Exam Stress? Turn Your Stress Into Energy

Stress is good. When we turn it into healthy energy, stress is the starting signal of a bunch of positive processes in our bodies. In this case, stress can mean healing and movement.

But if we let our stress reign freely, it can become a destructive monster. It slowly creeps up, you feel miserable and look it too. Worn down. Tired & Empty.

Managing your stress is easier than you think. Turn it into healthy energy with these natural foods and tricks.

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Craving an afternoon snack?
Use adaptogen herbs

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Adaptogen herbs – like rhodiola, ashwagandha, maca – are plants that have adapted themselves to extreme weather conditions.

They are very good at dealing with forms of stress. And their adaptability continues actively in our body, whether we have physiological, biochemical or psychological stress.

It is as simple as it seems: when stressed the adaptogen herbs keep you in balance, they help you adapt to your situation.

Tip: Mix a teaspoon Adapto into your hummus and eat with carrots as a snack.


Need to catch up?
Drink matcha for long-lasting focus

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Matcha is green tea and contains caffeine (or theine) that keeps you awake and alert. Only, with the caffeine in matcha something incredible happens.

The caffeine found in matcha is buffered by catechins (a type of polyphenols) which are specifically responsible for releasing caffeine into the body at a very slow and consistent pace. (Coffee makes you nervous and vulnerable because caffeine is immediately released into the bloodstream).

One cup of matcha releases its caffeine during a period of three to six hours after drinking it.

Tip: Drink 1 glass of warm or cold milk + 1 tablespoon of Gula Java Matcha + half a teaspoon of Kotobuki Matcha for extra catechins. The ideal time to do this is around 11am.


Want to get rid of your energy dip?
Refresh yourself with orange blossom and rose water

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Feelings of stress should not always be turned into positive energy with food or nutrition.

Smells and fragrances work just as well. Orange blossoms or neroli are very relaxing and soothing. Great for stress or fear of failure, because this fragrance can give you feelings of enlightenment and peace.

Rose water also has a revitalizing effect, both on the skin and the mind.

Tip: Spray the mist on your face and neck as often as you want.


Like to relax before going to sleep?
Enjoy peace from the right cup of tea

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End your day in peace, so that you can start the next morning right. With Amber Sun from Numi you can go to bed relaxed thanks to the synergetic effects of turmeric, rooibos, cinnamon and vanilla.

A warming mix without caffeine, which will bring your body to peace and save its energy for the restoring process.

And if you like the tea, feel free to drink a second cup!

Tip: Let 1 teabag of Amber Sun steep for 8 to 10 minutes. Drink the tea an hour before going to bed.


Longing for a confidence-boost?
Make use of blossom remedies

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Use the ‘Exam’ floral complex that LaDrôme has developed to boost your confidence.

This spray combines extracts from 5 blossoms or flowers (cerato, hornbeam, impatiens, larch, minulus) to turn your stress into positive energy. No more doubts and fears but rest, clarity and self-confidence.

Tip: Begin 1 week in advance with the spray. 2 sprays under the tongue, 4 times per day.


Do you have any good anti-stress tips or advice?